Tuesday, June 17, 2014

10,000 Steps

     I am trying to be more active, that is my first goal, and my phone tells me how many steps I take each day, and sets a goal for me for 10,000 steps (not sure how many miles that is). Yesterday was AMAZING I came home from work and I took the kids in the stroller and we walked to the library, which is about 10 blocks from my house. I met my goal, and it felt amazing, because I was able to be the Mom I want to be and take care of my health at the same time. I was on top of the world.
     Today, it was cloudy all day (like yesterday) but then when I came home I knew it would rain. So I did other things. I haven't even done 5,000 step let alone 10,000 steps. The funny things is I don't feel all that bad. I have been trying a lot harder, I walk to the farthest bathroom at work instead of the one right by my office, I stood more today then I sat. But I was still able to be the Mom I want to be, I think that to me relationship are my core value, especially my relationship with my children. I know that there are a lot of people that disagree with me, but I chased my daughter around the house today, and that to me felt just as good as when my phone tells me I walked 10,000 steps. 
     That doesn't mean I don't care about my health and in fact it is my children (and the children that I do not have) that are my motivation to better my health. I don't just mean my weight, but my emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual health. I want to be ready for my current children, and God willing, for my future children's sake. 
     So 10,000 steps is a great place to start, but I refuse to allow myself to be discouraged it I only make it to 4,660.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Parenting and stuff

So, I have been thinking about a lot of things. Mainly how to be a better mother and how to best teach my children. In by no means a parenting expert. In fact as I'm typing this my daughter is screaming at her dad because he's trying to get her to bed, because I came home and yelled at him for letting them stay up so late. (Told you I'm not great at this.) Any ways,  he can handle it for one night this week.      So, we are moving soon, I have wanted this for a while, but now that is coming I feel a deep sense of dread. After this month I won't have a job, neither one of us have one lined up in Logan. See I'm what some call a type A personality. And moving with out a stable income to me is terrifying.
There are lots I'd things on my mind right now. I want to able to stay home more with my children. I know I don't do bows or baking, or sewing, but I love my children (even when they drive me crazy). I want to be with them more. I want to teach Sarah to write her name, and help milo with talking. I worry about our finances (again type A). Where do type Moms fit in? Is there room for us at home too, or are we doomed to work all our lives. Are there other moms out there that don't like the "mom stuff" but like being moms?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Working out... ummm... yeah about that...

Soo... one thing I am I trying to do, is loose weight, my problem is that I have NO self discipline. Yikes! There I said it, are you happy. OK, so I am tracking my weight, and I have GAINED 12 lbs (not really surprised) but when I saw it on the screen, it was kind of a wake up call. So I am going to try harder to exercise (ugh) and eat right (double ugh). This is the exerciser I tried this morning, and barely finished, I am supposed to do it 4 more times! <groan>  We'll see if I can stay committed. I want to be healthy I do, I just really love eating what I want, and am not a huge fan of running, call me crazy I don't like my lungs to feel like they are on fire. 

Also on an other note, I am one of those wierdos that uses a basal thermomiter to track my fertility. Honestly, it is so helpful. My body is in no place for more munchkins. If you are interested in this method, that is totally empowering and natural, check out this website. http://www.tcoyf.com/ it is some great information. Also, I could use some ideas and encouragement when it comes to weight loss, please feel free to comment below.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mother May I, "YES, you MAY!"

I think blogs are great. They are a way to get you opinion out there and people can choose what they do or do not want to read. There are so many, that I think no one will read this and I think that is probably for the best ;0) First of all, I am a terrible writer, and second of all I mostly feel like ranting. 

So I want to tell you a little about myself. I have two kids, two degrees (both bachelors, lucky me), one husband and never ending piles of dishes and laundry. I am over weight, and generally happy. I am not always healthy, and am not always the best parent, but I am TRYING... I have a short fuse and get irritated when people are ridiculous.

I just want to make a "Mommy blog" that is about how perfect I am, and the bows that I have made, but about the reality that is my own. Some times I love my husband, but don't like him, and some time I just want to hide from my kids. There are even some times <gasp> that I would rather be a work them with them. (I know I a horrible person, right) HOWEVER, in general I want to spend more time with them then I have, and less time worrying about silly details. So, if you have ideas that will make life easier great! If you want to make it prettier, you are in the wrong place. Seriously!